This is starting to get ridiculous…
At 7 AM this morning I heard what I thought was an automation glitch. There was no audio on the air after the top of the hour automated legal ID. I had just dropped my wife off at work and immediately headed for the station.
The glitch was due to human error. At 7 AM the automation switches the console live to air and apparently the fader for the satellite feed wasn’t up. At least there was no automation problem…However…The operator on duty informed me that they had received calls from several listeners around the state that we were off the air. Great…
Sure enough, every station that I checked in the network was off the air. Here we go again… Apparently we had ANOTHER power failure last night. Facilities later told me it started around 2 AM and lasted for a couple of hours. Since it lasted more than an hour it knocked our satellite receivers off the air again. Once I realized what had happened I sent the magic commands over the uplink to wake up the receivers. I checked the stations again and we were back on the air.
These problems will be fixed and the network will be hardened, it’s just going to take some good planning, time and money.
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