Today I visited the KUWR transmitter site to do some re-wiring.  This site broadcasts KUWR, KUWR-HD/HD2, KUWL and KUWY.  A low power auxiliary transmitter is also on site for KUWR.  With the recent installation of the new stations some drastic re-wiring of the remote needed to be done.

This was one of the last days I would easily be able to get to the site.  Some of the sites are already snowed in and this one will be soon as well.

Me with KUWR transmitter
Me in front of the main KUWR transmitter racks

Transmitter equipment racks
Main KUWR transmitter equipment racks

KUWL and KUWY transmitters
Closeup of KUWL and KUWY transmitters
Located in the bottom of the KUWR transmitter rack

Remote wiring
Closeup of the remote control wiring…Note the neatly dressed wiring bundles.
Still not quite done but almost there!

I was actually supposed to be out of the office today for the Thanksgiving holiday but decided to get as much of this work done as possible before the snow really started to hit hard.  I worked on Saturday as well but barely escaped without getting stuck in the snow!  These rapidly changing weather conditions are going to take some getting used to…