About a year ago we installed a dish at our Rawlins translator to replace an unreliable over-the-air feed from Laramie.  The mounting pole for the old dish was not quite as stable as it should have been.  In addition the dish was damaged over the winter and needed to be replaced.  We decided to install a bit more rugged dish on a large concrete pad.

Reid levels the nuts and washers on the mounting bolts on the concrete pad.
Note the large ‘kingpost’ mount to be installed.

Checking the level of the mounting post…

The new dish is 2.4 meters in diameter and was shipped in two halves.
Reid assembles the halves.

Getting the two halves of the dish level with each other is critical…
The two halves are loosely bolted together and will be leveled once the dish is on the mount.

Assembling the mounting arm to the post…

Reid and I stand next to the new dish behind the old dish.
The old dish will need to come down before we can finish installing the new one.

The new dish is installed and pointed!
It provides a much better signal than the old one did.