We have  a station in Sheridan atop Banner Ridge.  The site is home to some absolutely beautiful scenery but can be treacherous to access.

We had been having some issues with heat in the building that housed our equipment rack.

Central Wyoming College operates Wyoming PBS.  While they are a separate entity from Wyoming Public Radio, we share a number of sites and resources with them.

They had just placed a new building on Banner Ridge so we asked if we could move our equipment into their building which would provide us with much better  cooling as well as network connectivity to this extremely remote and difficult to access site.

Big Horn mountains from Banner RidgeThe Big Horn mountain range as viewed from Banner Ridge

CWC building with trucksCWC’s building on Banner Ridge…
Note the large 3 ton air conditioner on the side of the building.

WPR antenna and CWC towerWPR’s two bay FM broadcast antenna on the left…
CWC’s large tower with microwave  dishes on the right.
Ultimately we will move our antenna to their tower as well.

Shane with WPR rackFinished!  Our equipment should be much happier in this site.