We suffered an outage at our Sundance transmitter site…After driving to the site to investigate we found that our equipment (and the equipment of others at the site) had been seriously damaged by a direct lightning strike.

Made it to the site on Warren Peak…

Our tower is on the right…

This is all that remains of the functioning equipment…
We lost a remote control, satellite receiver, KVM console and HD Exporter.
Over $8,000 worth of equipment damage in total.

Looks like the phone line may have at least in part have carried the surge…

Our neighbor’s transmitter is also off the air as a result of the lightning strike…

Reid works on repairing a ground connection…

This site is extremely prone to lightning strikes.  Apparently this time we were unlucky enough to suffer severe damage despite the numerous precautions.  While on site we ensured that all protective grounding was intact and hopefully the damage will not be as severe next time.