Next stop on my network tour, Newcastle…A herd of deer crosses the road in front of me as I drive to the site…Gotta love the Wild Wild West!

This site also needed to have the satellite receiver connected to the remote control.  This will allow remote control of the site via satellite even if the normal dialup remote control is malfunctioning.  Note the two pairs of wires waiting to be connected…

New LED tower lights had just been installed.  This replaced an aging and malfunctioning strobe light system.  I attempted to connect the alarms from this system to my remote control but discovered that they were not compatible.

Next task, check the alignment between the HD and analog audio.  After a slight adjustment, dead on!

This is the modulation monitor for the analog signal.  The top meter is showing modulation while the bottom two meters indicate signal quality.  The middle meter should be minimized while the lowest meter should be maximized.  I had to construct a new antenna for monitoring.

It’s starting to get late…The moon is already high in the sky.

Sunset on the prairie…

What a long day…Time to lock up for the night and head for Sundance…