What happens when you try to take a rear wheel drive truck up an icy mountain summit and instinctively tap the brakes to slow down?  Probably something like this…

Ouch…Facing west against the guardrail on the shoulder of the eastbound lanes!

Looking the other direction…I had just spun on the icy road and skidded backwards against the guardrail!

Damage to the tailpipe and the rear of the truck…

WOW!  That WAS my front bumper…Yanked clear off by the guardrail as I skid backwards.

The moral of this story?  If you think you’re going too slow on icy roads, YOU’RE NOT!  SLOW DOWN!!!  I was doing less than 50 on a 75 mph freeway and it still wasn’t slow enough.  Don’t hit the brakes, just keep it slow to begin with.  If you need to slow down, just ease off the gas.  I had just witnessed another vehicle spin out before this happened to me…