I have been in the process of trying to get a new transmitter site built for the past few months. After a number of roadblocks and delays beyond my control ground was finally broken and the site started to take shape. It is supposed to be on the air by early next year and if all continues to go well we should make the target date…
One of the posts for the fence around the site…
A track hoe in the background was used to excavate the tower foundation.
Construction of the tower foundation in progress…
The tower will be a 145′ free standing tower.
Three concrete piers are wrapped in thermal blankets while they cure.
A large block of concrete is beneath the piers sitting on the bedrock.
A form is in place and rebar is installed for the building foundation
Tower and building foundations
Another overview of the site…Union Pacific owns the adjacent tower.
Their site was not suitable for a broadcast facility.
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