I had been having some issues with the remote control at our Jackson transmitter site so I decided to make a visit before the issues prevented me from accessing the site remotely in case of an equipment failure.  Unfortunately the site is snowed in so it will require a snow cat for access.  Once again our friends from Wyoming PBS and Central Wyoming College give me a ride in their snow cat to the site.

After a bit of jockeying on the icy access road we got the snow cat unloaded and the truck parked. 

Heading up to the site in the snow cat…

Made it to the transmitter site…The Snow Cat sits atop a pretty deep snow drift.

I sink in the snow drifts almost up to my knees as I walk from the snow cat to the building!

I was able to open the door to the site in spite of the deep drifts

Replacing the hard drive in the remote…
Turns out that wasn’t the issue, unfortunately…

While at the site I unfortunately discovered another more serious issue…
This UPS has suffered a failure.  Usually when they reach this point the battery pack is bulging.
While the battery pack can probably be replaced, I generally just replace the faulty unit entirely with one of higher quality.  I’m going to have to come back to this site to fix both the UPS and the remote control issues once and for all.

All done for now…Time to pack up and get out of here!

All loaded up in the snow cat and ready to head back down the mountain