The site that I have been building will not initially be broadcasting in HD (digital) but I specified the equipment such that it would be capable of digital transmission in the future.  However, I wanted to test the equipment in digital mode.  To do this requires a device known as an “exporter”.  I do have one of these devices on hand but it is from another manufacturer.  I have never tested the combination of two different manufacturers but in theory it should work…

The “exporter”…Essentially a very specialized PC running Linux and custom software to generate the digital signal…

First order of business, a software upgrade…The transmitter is running a much newer version which is not backwards compatible with the previous version.  The transmitter and exporter must be running the same versions in order to work together.

The main screen of the exporter…

Configuring the network settings on the exporter…

It worked!  The transmitter is running HD!

Just another day’s work…