Today’s task: finish installing the final section of tower and start hanging the antenna.

Finishing some final details…The area between the concrete pier and tower leg flange is grouted to provide some protection for this critical joint.

Beginning assembly of the antenna…This is an 8 bay antenna.  It will be assembled and hauled up the tower in groups of two bays.

“Sheba” watches the action

Two more of the antenna bays assembled and waiting to be hoisted up the tower…

Finishing the grout job on the tower legs…

The climbers head back up the tower…

Hoisting the final section up the tower…Things are really starting to take shape now!

Bolting the final section into place…

Hmmm…Sheba wants to climb the tower too!

Sheba looks anxiously up at her master and waits for him to come back down the tower…

Now that the tower sections are all up, the gin pole can come down.

I had to make a quick trip into town but the tower crew kept hard at it…By the time I came back they had 6 of the 8 antenna bays hung!

The last two bays sit on the ground waiting to be hung tomorrow…

This is 165 feet of 1 5/8″ air filled transmission line…It will be going up the tower tomorrow as well.  For now, the sun has set and it’s time to call it a day.