It is finally time to construct our Evanston station.  This station was approved by the FCC after they rejected a bogus application from another broadcaster proposing to build a site in a wilderness area where there was no existing site and none would ever be authorized.  This station will replace a translator that has long been in need of an upgrade.

 It’s an absolutely gorgeous day up on Medicine Butte north of Evanston.

The transmitter building…A re-purposed Forest Service enclosure.

The first step will be installing a new circuit for the transmitter…Fortunately there were already a couple of appropriate circuits run to the building.  All that was needed was an outlet.  A 30 amp twist lock receptacle was installed to support the load of the transmitter.

A Nautel VS 2.5 is the new transmitter that will be used.  This transmitter has a number of very nice features that will ensure reliability for years to come.

Most functions are controlled via a web interface.  My laptop is logged into the remote control interface as I make some final adjustments.

Done for now…Next phase, antenna installation.