Recently we hauled a new antenna to our Evanston site in preparation for a major signal upgrade.  Unfortunately the weather was too poor at the time to install it.  The weather has cut us a break and we’re now ready to hang the new antenna.

The two antenna bays partially assembled and ready to go up the tower…

Dave and Ben begin to assemble the antenna array on the ground.  It consists of four parts–Two antenna bays, an interbay line to join them and a tuning section at the bottom.  When fully assembled the array will be over 20 feet long.  It will be hauled up the tower one section at a time.

Dave prepares a winch mounted to the hitch of his truck…This winch will be used to haul the antenna components up the tower.  It is MUCH easier than trying to haul them up by manpower alone and provides a “brake” to better control things as they ascend the tower.

Ben mans the “tag” rope to keep the antenna components away from the tower as they are hauled up

Dave and Ben continue assembling the antenna components and prepare to haul the second bay up the tower…

I man the winch line as Ben and Dave get ready for the next component to go up the tower…

A nice “panoramic” shot of the entire tower from top to bottom

Dave mounts the first bay to the top of the tower

Next step…Haul the “inter bay” line which will connect the two antenna bays up the tower.

Connecting the inter bay line to the bottom of the first bay…A support will be installed in the middle to prevent it from being stressed by wind.

Dave installs the support bracket on the inter bay line…

Preparing to haul the second bay and tuning section up the tower…

Almost done!  The second bay with tuning stub is attached to the inter bay line.

Now that the antenna is up on the tower it is time to hoist the transmission line…This 1 5/8″ cable will carry over 2,000 watts of power from the transmitter to the antenna.

Ben threads the cable over the building in preparation for hoisting it up the tower…

Dave installs a “hoisting grip” to make it easier to haul the cable up the tower and secure it in place at the top.

Antenna in place, cable going up!

Ben installs a connector on the other end of the cable which will connect to the transmitter…

The cable entry to the building from the tower…

Cables coming off the tower…Very neatly dressed to follow the same path.  Note the metal ice bridge.  This covers the cables between the tower and building, protecting them from falling ice.

All done!  The antenna is on the tower and the line is connected.

Dave connects the cable to the transmitter…

Success!  Almost 2,500 watts forward, less than 4 watts reflected.  This is VERY good.

Another project in the books and another gorgeous sunset to end the day.