We have been having some issues with our satellite signal in Rock Springs lately…The signal is marginal and fades on a pretty regular basis during poor weather.  This was one of those days.  I visited the site to investigate.

A red fault indicator, “Out of lock” reading and no audio levels tells the tale.  We have once again lost the satellite signal at the site.

I was able to get the signal back on the air by adjusting the dish but it certainly wasn’t easy…Read on…

Hose clamps had previously been installed on this dish to hold critical aiming components in position.  This is NOT the way this dish was designed and (as you can probably imagine) is subject to movement under windy conditions.  Normally this mechanism would be secured to the dish with sturdy “U” bolts.

More hose clamps!  No wonder this dish moves…I almost was not able to get it back into position!  Ultimately this dish will need to be replaced…and soon.

Aiming marks on the pole tell where the dish is supposed to be pointed…

Another weathered mark on the pole where the aiming mechanism had previously been mounted…Clearly this has been an issue for a while…

The dish…Re-pointed once again (for now…)

Quite a view from the site…

It’s back on the air…which makes me happy.  🙂