As with any new technology, there is always the chance of premature failure for a variety of reasons.  At one point you could purchase a piece of equipment and count on it to work pretty much trouble free for 10-20 years without needing much attention but as equipment has become increasingly more complex and compact this is no longer the case.  Well designed equipment has enough redundancy that it can still operate relatively normally with a certain level of failure but these failures need to be addressed before they develop into a more serious situation.


Once again, I’m back on Snow King with some absolutely GORGEOUS scenery.  The town of Jackson (also known as Jackson Hole) is down in a valley shadowed by the Grand Teton Mountain Range.



While at the site I continued my wiring cleanup.  Note the labeling of the punch block as well as the neatly dressed wiring to the transmitter controller.

Uh oh…We have a fault in one of the new transmitter’s power modules.

The transmitter’s internal diagnostics tell me exactly what is going on here…PA #7 in RF Module #2 has failed.  Time to call the manufacturer to get a replacement.  I’m guessing I will be back here very soon to make repairs…