A couple of years ago we installed a (used) transmitter that we had rebuilt at a new station in Rawlins. Well, that transmitter finally gave up the ghost and needed to be replaced. Of course this failure occurred while I was away at the National Association of Broadcasters convention–Fortunately this is the PERFECT place to find a replacement transmitter. 🙂 I asked my other two engineers to remove the old transmitter and “prep” the site. Meanwhile, I asked one of my vendors if they could have a replacement transmitter on my doorstep by the weekend. They said “sure”. The installation came out quite nice and the new transmitter is performing well.

The equipment rack with satellite receiver, remote control, modulation monitor, transmitter, audio processor and uninterruptible power supply.



A closeup of the new transmitter…2000 watts in 2 rack units of space.  Extremely efficient and cool…Much more efficient and reliable than the previous transmitter.

Time to head back home.