Reid and I started a trip around the state this week…We based ourselves in Gillette but intended to visit Buffalo, Sheridan, Sundance and Newcastle on this trip.
The first stop was Buffalo…We made it to the site and finished all of our rewiring. In the process, however, a major thunderstorm rolled through the area. It probably isn’t wise to hang out next to a huge lightning rod in the middle of a thunderstorm…
At long last, UW88 rides again! We finally got our engineering truck back last week. This is (yet another) brand new 2008 Ford F250 SuperDuty to replace the one that was destroyed in a weather related rollover earlier this year.
Reid cleans up some wiring behind the equipment rack
Equipment rack rearranged with new monitoring equipment installed
Storms approaching…
A gorgeous double rainbow in the distance after the storm passed
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