I recently received a report from our Jackson site that there was no audio on the air.  Fortunately I was able to switch to the newly repaired alternate audio link…Even though the problem was temporarily solved, however, I needed to make a trip to the site to see what was going on.

There was no apparent problem by the time I arrived at the site.  The main audio link was working once again.  I hate intermittent problems…

Since we had been having some issues with the power supplies in our satellite receivers, I decided it would not be a bad idea  to replace it.  The old power supplies were 150 watts while the new ones are 180 watts.

Receiver on benchOne satellite receiver on the bench ready for a power supply transplant…
The new supply sits ready and waiting to the right of the receiver.

Warranty VoidWarranty? What warranty?

Installing new PS in receiver-2One temporarily disemboweled receiver…

Shane with receiver on benchHmmm…Where does that wire go again?

Yes, the receiver did actually still work once everything was put back together.  Just another day in the life..