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Posted in April 16th, 2010
About a year or so ago we placed a new station on the air in Rawlins. I had not been satisfied with the performance of the remote control that we installed so I decided to try another model. The road to the site was still somewhat muddy and covered in snow. I was not able […]
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Posted in March 2nd, 2010
The Federal Communications Commission recently approved up to a 10 fold increase in the digital power allowed for broadcast stations. This is a big deal, particularly for lower power broadcasters (like many of my stations) where every watt counts. I applied for permission to upgrade our Casper station. The hardware was already capable of the […]
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Posted in February 5th, 2010
After spending the night in Newcastle, I headed down to my site in Douglas. This site had suffered a UPS failure. It had been bypassed earlier this year but needed to be replaced to protect the equipment. I also had some minor remote control wiring to do at the site. At the site in Douglas…This […]
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Posted in February 4th, 2010
I spent last night in Sundance and had arranged to meet someone with a snowmobile this morning to get me into the site. This time of year the last 4 miles of road up to our site turn into a very nice groomed snow trail. My chariot awaits…
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Posted in February 3rd, 2010
I spent all day yesterday driving to Casper and working on replacing a remote control. Today I drove up to Sundance to prepare to install the remote control I just removed from Casper. The end result of my work in Casper…A new control and monitoring screen. The new remote controls give me the ability to […]
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Posted in February 2nd, 2010
Some of WPR’s remote control systems are getting a bit old and unreliable. As they have failed, we have upgraded remote controls at other sites and used the old remotes from those sites to repair failures. This time our Sundance site had suffered a remote control failure. Casper is one of our more critical sites […]
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Posted in January 13th, 2010
Wyoming Public Radio’s network infrastructure has expanded at an amazing rate in the past three years. When I started here, the only internal networking was for the automation system. Now, however, virtually every piece of equipment we bring into the plant has an Ethernet port. We have at least five different “virtual” networks running internally […]
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Posted in November 21st, 2009
Day 3…I had spent the first day determining what the problem was and ordering parts for overnight delivery from the manufacturer. Day 2, I received the parts from the manufacturer but one of the parts was not shipped. Today, I waited for the remaining part to arrive and would go back to the site one […]
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Posted in November 20th, 2009
I ordered the parts yesterday for overnight delivery and anxiously awaited for their arrival at the hotel. They arrived around 11 AM and I made my way back up to the site to start repairs. Wow…I didn’t know a transmitter being off the air qualified as a medical emergency!
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Posted in November 19th, 2009
Once again I found myself in Jackson to investigate an issue at our transmitter site. The transmitter had started to spontaneously drop off the air for some reason. Very odd since this is generally a very reliable transmitter. Fortunately we have an auxiliary transmitter at this site. I went to the site to investigate. The […]
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