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Posted in January 26th, 2011
Today’s task is to set the first 60 feet upright and start stacking the remaining sections. A crane was brought on site to lift the lower tower sections into place. We left off yesterday with the lower three sections (60 feet) assembled on the ground and positioned near the tower base.
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Posted in January 25th, 2011
Day 2: The forklift arrives on site and it’s time to start moving tower sections around for assembly. RSC from Scottsbluff, NE once again provides a forklift for the job. It has started to snow pretty heavily but the crew doesn’t even bat an eye at working in these conditions.
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Posted in January 24th, 2011
This week I’m working with the crew from Medicine Bow Tower to assemble the tower and antenna for my new station. The tower and antenna were delivered to the site just before Christmas. The crew estimates that we should be done by Wednesday or Thursday. I’m going to stay on site until the tower is up […]
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Posted in January 15th, 2011
The site that I have been building will not initially be broadcasting in HD (digital) but I specified the equipment such that it would be capable of digital transmission in the future. However, I wanted to test the equipment in digital mode. To do this requires a device known as an “exporter”. I do have […]
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Posted in January 14th, 2011
Everything is installed in the equipment building and ready for testing. I took a few pictures of the site in ‘test’ mode. The transmitter and equipment rack…Everything is up and running!
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Posted in January 12th, 2011
Earlier in the week we had gone to the tower site to attempt to install a satellite dish. Unfortunately we encountered some issues mounting the post to the bolts. We came back to the site today with some additional hardware to try again. Reid and Dan start leveling the post on the mounting bolts…
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Posted in January 11th, 2011
This week I’m working on constructing the newest station in the Wyoming Public Media network. Today’s task is to start installing equipment in the new transmitter building. Dan Houg of KAXE observes and assists in the process. Dan starts by unboxing an uninterruptible power supply to install in the equipment rack.
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Posted in January 10th, 2011
This week’s task is to complete some additional work on the new station I have been busy building. Dan Houg of KAXE in Grand Rapids, Minnesota has come out for a visit to check out what’s going on and lend a hand. Today we head to the tower site to attempt to install the satellite […]
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Posted in January 5th, 2011
The electrician completed a considerable amount of work yesterday and finished the final tie in of temporary electical service to my new transmitter building today. This will allow me to have lighting, heat and cooling in the building in order to begin work. Giant “extension cord” between the existing building (right) and our new transmitter building […]
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Posted in January 4th, 2011
Today at long last (after over 30 days of waiting) I took delivery of the transmitter for my new station. The transmitter is a Nautel NV7.5. This transmitter is capable of analog FM operation at up to 8,250 watts in analog mode and FM+HD operation at up to 6,000 watts. Nautel makes very reliable equipment […]
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