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Posted in December 22nd, 2010
Earlier this week we suffered a power failure at our Rawlins transmitter site. The power was ultimately restored but unfortunately our transmitter failed to return to service. Time to mount up on snow vehicles and take a trip to the site to see what is wrong… Another engineer from the area was able to reach […]
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Posted in December 20th, 2010
After many many months I FINALLY have a tower and antenna for my new station! If you’ve been following the story, I recently received a building for this station as well. It’s good to finally see some tangible progress. I can’t wait to have the station constructed and on the air after almost 3 years […]
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Posted in December 18th, 2010
About a week or so ago I headed up to Jackson to deal with a remote control issue. On that trip I uncovered another more serious issue with the uninterruptible power supply. I decided to make another trip before the Christmas holiday so I wouldn’t have issue in case of power failure at the site…This site is […]
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Posted in December 17th, 2010
OK, this is getting a bit old… I received a call from a listener that we had been off the air in Dubois for the past four days. That’s odd…I had not received any other calls about it… She had tried to receive us on two different radios at her house, however, and was receiving […]
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Posted in December 14th, 2010
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ve been in the process of having a new transmitter site built. Site preparations are in progress but I wanted to have the building first shipped to Laramie before getting sent to the site. This will allow me to pre-assemble and test everything in Laramie and save travel […]
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Posted in December 7th, 2010
I had been having some issues with the remote control at our Jackson transmitter site so I decided to make a visit before the issues prevented me from accessing the site remotely in case of an equipment failure. Unfortunately the site is snowed in so it will require a snow cat for access. Once again […]
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Posted in December 3rd, 2010
I received a report that our Dubois translator was off the air…It’s not a very big signal but it has a number of listeners. There had recently been high winds in the area so I suspect something happened to the satellite dish. It’s going to take a snow cat to access the site this time […]
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Posted in November 16th, 2010
I have been in the process of trying to get a new transmitter site built for the past few months. After a number of roadblocks and delays beyond my control ground was finally broken and the site started to take shape. It is supposed to be on the air by early next year and if […]
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Posted in November 10th, 2010
What happens when you try to take a rear wheel drive truck up an icy mountain summit and instinctively tap the brakes to slow down? Probably something like this… Ouch…Facing west against the guardrail on the shoulder of the eastbound lanes! Looking the other direction…I had just spun on the icy road and skidded backwards […]
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Posted in November 9th, 2010
I had received a report from our Thermopolis site that our HD signal was off the air. This signal also feeds two of our translators so it was rather important to get it fixed. In addition, I had discovered on a previous visit that some of the clamps securing the antenna to the tower had […]
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